Friday, October 31, 2014

I Write for Fun

I have a bonus post for you, because tomorrow is the start of NaNoWriMo, which is just very exciting because it means RUSH!

The message? A reminder to love what you do... for you.

Do you ever get in a funk? The kind where the world presses in on your head and it aches, and you forget how you liked making things? Totally not recommended.

This happened with my almost-there novel and I had this epiphany… that the raw matter behind creating is NOT about everyone else. As awful as that sounds, it’s about you reaching deep into your muse for you—it’s your special, personal relationship and it's grounding and you love to connect with it.

And THEN, because you feel ownership of what you have created, you can happily, gladly share.

It’s easy to get it backwards because lighting up people’s worlds makes you tick. But you have to remember that without the you in it, there’s nothing to give. The muse swallows your (good) intentions into a black hole.

You’re the bridge.

So I made this reminder in the happiest colors, to help as we go about NaNoWriMo this month. Are you joining me for the 50K race? Please use the image and remember to love your writing!


  1. I love your sign--so colorful, and happy! I like to think of writing as a big circle--the circle of fun, let's call it. As you live, the stuff of the world--wonder, pain, triumph--goes in, and becomes you, and then circles back out to be shared. And...I think somewhere about that point someone lifts a lion cub up for everyone to see! lol

    1. I love that circle idea! And, LOL, as long as you're on good terms with the monkey holding you over the cliff, it's good.
