The big picture. From one angle... and the other.
Discussion among the hens. Is it ethical? Will this truly empower our baby?
Chanting. The sacrifice is drugged and ready.
The white swan in the corner gazes steadfastly to the egg on the other side.
Then this.
Still, the white swan looks away. A new order is born.

Was this calamity courtesy of the chickens? The toucan? The white swan? The egg? Or was it the gods, angry at chicken stupidity?
Sacrifice is meant to make one stronger. Did it work for any of them? Well, the chickens ended up wasted, which wasn't much of a change. The white swan ended up as guardian of a super baby (this sounds dreadful). And the toucan exercised patience and came out alive.
What do you think? I think I'm happy the toucan gets to keep sucking on its cherry.
Oh yeah, the gods? They got tired of sacrifices and are moving on to mummification.
*Photos by me, terraforming by Sunshine and Squish.
Dude, this is pretty heavy stuff. Maybe you should slip a little bacon into their salads.
Bacon... that would change everything. You should come over and play chicken and pigs sometime, lol.