Friday, November 21, 2014

NaNo 2014 Week 3 - Alien Dragons

A random, alien dragon scene out of my sketchbook.

I discovered this site that's really helped me to structure my story this week, you should totally check it out: How-to-Write-a-Book-Now. You can never know enough about writing books and they have some GREAT helps.

Speaking of novel-writing:

Wordcount 23419

This week will be a wild ride to 50K :). Cheer me on. I, of course, am cheering you on whether you're NaNoing or not. All creativity is good creativity.

(You know, as long as it's used for good ends. But even if you're a villain or super-villain, you'll probably agree.)

Sometimes we all question our sanity, but remember, it's the actions that matter.

XO - Elm

1 comment:

  1. Love the pic, and will check out the link. Long live creativity! :D
